Eighteenth-Century Borrowing from the University of Glasgow

Records for line entries 'Marcus Antoninus'

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There are 2 records matching your criteria.

StudentClassPressShelfNumberLine EntryProfessor(s)Date LentDate ReturnedRegister / PageLibrary LinkAuthorTitleEditorShelfmarkESTC Link
Henry FooteEthic (Ethics)AE915Marcus AntoninusDr Reid23 Dec 176630 Dec 1766Register 6 page 27rViewHaywood, Eliza Fowler, 1693?-1756.Female Spectator.Sp Coll Bh8-f.3-6View
Jno SnodgrassPreacher (Preacher)AF915Marcus AntoninusDr Traill6 Feb 176711 Feb 1767Register 6 page 33rMarcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180.Meditations.