Eighteenth-Century Borrowing from the University of Glasgow

Records for line entries 'Diodorus Siculus'

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StudentClassPressShelfNumberLine EntryProfessor(s)Date LentDate ReturnedRegister / PageLibrary LinkAuthorTitleEditorShelfmarkESTC Link
Alexr GilliesN. P. (Natural Philosophy)F411.12Diodorus SiculusDr Simson, Mr Moore [sic], Mr Buchanan4 Jul 175925 Jul 1759Register 2 page 37vViewDiodorus, Siculus.Bibliothecae historicae libri quindecim de quadraginta. Decem ex his quindecim nunquam prius fuerunt editi [a Henrico Stephano].Estienne, Henri, 1531-1598.Sp Coll Bo1-a.14