Eighteenth-Century Borrowing from the University of Glasgow

Records for author 'Eminent Masters.'

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There are 16 records matching your criteria.

StudentClassPressShelfNumberLine EntryProfessor(s)Date LentDate ReturnedRegister / PageLibrary LinkAuthorTitleEditorShelfmarkESTC Link
John MoreheadEthic (Ethics)CO54The Musicall miscellanies v.2Mr Clow11 Nov 175820 Nov 1758Register 2 page 26rViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
Allan BogleMath: (Mathematics)CO54.5Miscel: Songs Vol.s 2.3Dr Williamson11 Feb 176717 Feb 1767Register 6 page 34rViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
John CochraneGreek (Greek)CO54Miscell: Songs Vol 2.dMr Anderson17 Feb 17674 Mar 1767Register 6 page 35rViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
Ro: MillerLogic (Logic)CO55.6Musical Miscell: V. 3.4.Mr Clow18 Feb 17673 Mar 1767Register 6 page 35rViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
John GrayLogic (Logic)CO55.6Musical Miscell: Vol.s 3.d 4Dr Williamson3 Mar 176718 Mar 1767Register 6 page 37vViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
Rob.t TaitGreek (Greek)CO57.8.Musical Miscell Vol.s 5.6Mr Millar3 Mar 176731 Mar 1767Register 6 page 37vViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
Ja.s FergusonDivin (Divinity)CO57.8Musical Miscelany Vol.s 5.6Mr Cumin31 Mar 176716 Apr 1767Register 6 page 43rViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
Rob.t MillerLogic (Logic)CO54.5Musical Miscell: Vol.s 2 3.Mr Cumin28 Apr 17675 May 1767Register 6 page 47rViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
John RuncemanLogic (Logic)CO57Musical Miscellan: V 4 5Dr Traill30 Apr 17674 May 1767Register 6 page 47rViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
Hugh MarshallGreek (Greek)CO56.7Musical Miscel: Vol.s 3.5.Dr Traill4 May 176711 May 1767Register 6 page 47vViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
Jas: FurlongEthic (Ethics)CO55.6Musical Miscellany Vol.s 1.2.Mr Muirhead23 Sep 17677 Oct 1767Register 6 page 52vViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
Robert DuncanEthic (Ethics)CO55.6The Musical Miscellany Vols 2d, 3dDr Reid14 Sep 176813 Oct 1768Register 6 page 64vViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
Ja.s MorrisonEthic (Ethics)CO57Musical Miscellanies V 5Dr Reid26 Jan 176931 Jan 1769Register 6 page 71vViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
Ja.s MorrisonEthic (Ethics)CO58Musical Essays V 6Dr Williamson31 Jan 17697 Feb 1769Register 6 page 71vViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
Ja.s MorrisonEthic (Ethics)CO56Musical Essays V 4.tDr Reid7 Feb 17699 Feb 1769Register 6 page 72vViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View
John CochranPhysic (Physic)CO56Musical Miscellany V 4.tDr Anderson8 Dec 176927 Dec 1769Register 6 page 80vViewEminent Masters.Musical miscellany : being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32View