Eighteenth-Century Borrowing from the University of Glasgow

Records for book title 'Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, compared with the former editions, and many valuable MSS. out of which, three tales are added which were never before printed; by John Urry: together with a glossary, by a student of Christ-Church, Oxon. To the whole is prefixed the author's life, newly written, and a preface, giving an account of this edition.'

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There are 3 records matching your criteria.

StudentClassPressShelfNumberLine EntryProfessor(s)Date LentDate ReturnedRegister / PageLibrary LinkAuthorTitleEditorShelfmarkESTC Link
Hen StevensonDivinity (Divinity)L610Chaucers WorksMr Muirhead23 May 17666 Aug 1766Register 6 page 16vViewChaucer, Geoffrey, -1400.Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, compared with the former editions, and many valuable MSS. out of which, three tales are added which were never before printed; by John Urry: together with a glossary, by a student of Christ-Church, Oxon. To the whole is prefixed the author's life, newly written, and a preface, giving an account of this edition.Sp Coll Bh8-a.9View
John JamiesonEthic (Ethics)L610Chaucers WorksDr Williamson24 Nov 176624 Nov 1766Register 6 page 23vViewChaucer, Geoffrey, -1400.Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, compared with the former editions, and many valuable MSS. out of which, three tales are added which were never before printed; by John Urry: together with a glossary, by a student of Christ-Church, Oxon. To the whole is prefixed the author's life, newly written, and a preface, giving an account of this edition.Sp Coll Bh8-a.9View
Ja.s MorrisonEthic (Ethics)L610Chacer WorksMr Reid, Mr Cumin5 Jan 176913 Jan 1769Register 6 page 69rViewChaucer, Geoffrey, -1400.Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, compared with the former editions, and many valuable MSS. out of which, three tales are added which were never before printed; by John Urry: together with a glossary, by a student of Christ-Church, Oxon. To the whole is prefixed the author's life, newly written, and a preface, giving an account of this edition.Sp Coll Bh8-a.9View