Eighteenth-Century Borrowing from the University of Glasgow

Records for line entries 'View of N: Phylosophy'

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There are 2 records matching your criteria.

StudentClassPressShelfNumberLine EntryProfessor(s)Date LentDate ReturnedRegister / PageLibrary LinkAuthorTitleEditorShelfmarkESTC Link
James AllenPhysic (Physic)P812View of N: PhylosophyMr Anderson, Mr Williamson19 Mar 17706 Apr 1770Register 6 page 86rViewMacLaurin, Colin, 1698-1746.Account of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophical discoveries, in four booksSp Coll Bk10-e.6  View
Jas AllenPhysic (Physic)P812View of N: PhylosophyMr Anderson, Mr Williamson6 Apr 177028 Apr 1770Register 6 page 86vViewMacLaurin, Colin, 1698-1746.Account of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophical discoveries, in four booksSp Coll Bk10-e.6  View