Records for line entries 'Monday May 23d 1757 / Inspected, and judg that Harris' Voyages / on account of its very bad condition, ought / not for the future to be lent out to the younger / student [sic], without the Subscription of three Masters/ Ja. Moor'
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Student | Class | Press | Shelf | Number | Line Entry | Professor(s) | Date Lent | Date Returned | Register / Page | Library Link | Author | Title | Editor | Shelfmark | ESTC Link |
(N/A) | Monday May 23d 1757 / Inspected, and judg that Harris' Voyages / on account of its very bad condition, ought / not for the future to be lent out to the younger / student [sic], without the Subscription of three Masters/ Ja. Moor | N/A | Register 2 page 5v | N/A | N/A | N/A |