Eighteenth-Century Borrowing from the University of Glasgow

Register 6, page 40r

StudentClassPressShelfNumberLine EntryProfessor(s)Date LentDate ReturnedLibrary LinkAuthorTitleEditorShelfmarkESTC Link
Rob.t CaldwellDivin (Divinity)AZ51Gravesends Element:Dr Traill, Mr Anderson16 Mar 176723 Apr 1767ViewGravesande, Willem Jacob van 's.Physices elementa mathematica, experimentis confirmata: sive introductio ad philosophiam Newtonianam ...Sp Coll Bn3-g.10  
David MaxwellNat P. (Natural Philosophy)AP413Abernethys SermonsMr Muirhead16 Mar 176731 Mar 1767ViewAbernethy, John, 1680-1740.Discourses concerning the being and ... perfections of God ...Sp Coll Bk3-g.3-4View
Rob.t GrahamGreek (Greek)CF48Waterlands SermonsMr Muirhead16 Mar 176726 Mar 1767ViewWaterland, Daniel, 1683-1740.Eight sermons ... in defense of the Divinty of our Lord Jesus Christ ... With a preface containing remarks upon two late pamphlets ...Sp Coll Bm1-g.14  View
Rob.t CaldwellDivin (Divinity)AU66Maclaurins AlgebraMr Anderson16 Mar 176721 Apr 1767ViewMacLaurin, Colin, 1698-1746.Arithmeticae et algebrae compendium ...Sp Coll NM.3.12  View
Walter MonteathLogic (Logic)AM82Wotton upon LearningDr Traill16 Mar 176719 Mar 1767ViewWotton, William, 1666-1727.Reflections upon ancient and modern learning.Sp Coll Bh3-h.6View
Kenneth CampbellDivin (Divinity)AP613Clarks Sermons Vol 4thMr Cumin16 Mar 176716 Apr 1767ViewClarke, Samuel, 1675-1729.Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...Clarke, John, 1687-1734.Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10View
Wm DounieGreek (Greek)AF720Patricks Terence Vol 2.dDr Williamson16 Mar 17676 Apr 1767ViewTerence.Terence's Comedies, translated into English prose ... Together with the original Latin from the best editions ... With notes ... To which is prefixed the life of Terence, with some account of the dramatic poetry of the ancients.Patrick, Samuel, 1684-1748.Sp Coll Bl9-g.17,18View
And.r ThomsonEthic (Ethics)AR77.8Rollins History Vol.s 3.4Dr Williamson16 Mar 176730 Mar 1767ViewRollin, Charles, 1661-1741.Antient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians. Translated from the French.Sp Coll Bk9-h.1-12View
Tho.s BrownLogic (Logic)J712Humes Hist of Eng. Vol 3.dMr Clow, Mr Muirhead16 Mar 176730 Mar 1767ViewHume, David, 1711-1776.History of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688 ...Sp Coll Bl13-a.9-14View
Tho.s BrownLogic (Logic)AE102.3Tragedies Vols 1.st & 2.dDr Williamson16 Mar 176718 Mar 1767Tragedies.[Tragedies.]
Hen: StevensonDivin (Divinity)AE1021Avison on Music[blank]16 Mar 17675 May 1767ViewAvison, Charles, 1709-1770.Essay on musical expression.Sp Coll Bi2-k.15View
Dav: ForresterEthic (Ethics)AI31Plautus' Comodies Vol 1.stMr Clow, Mr Hamilton16 Mar 176730 Mar 1767ViewPlautus, Titus Maccius.Comoediae : interpretatione et notis illustravit Jacobus Operarius ... in usum ... DelphiniSp Coll Bn5-f.7-8
Walter MonteathLogic (Logic)AE1119.2Herveys Meditations Vol.s 1.2dMr Muirhead16 Mar 176710 Apr 1767ViewHervey, James, 1714-1758.Meditations and contemplations.Sp Coll Bl8-k.16-17View
Jas WitherspoonLogic (Logic)AF94Life of Cardinal Wolsey V. 1.stDr Wight16 Mar 176719 Mar 1767ViewFiddes, Richard, 1671-1725.Life of Cardinal WolseySp Coll Bh2-c.2  View
Jas WitherspoonLogic (Logic)AR61Rapins Hist. of Eng: Vol 1.stMr Clow18 Mar 176724 Mar 1767ViewRapin-Thoyras, Paul de, 1661-1725.History of England [as well ecclesiastical as civil].Sp Coll Bm2-g.1-18View
Angus FletcherDivin (Divinity)CF311Burnet on y.e XXXIX ArticlesDr Traill18 Mar 176722 Apr 1767ViewBurnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715.Exposition of the Thirty-nine articles of the Church of EnglandSp Coll Bk10-d.1View
Will. GilliesEthic (Ethics)J715Humes Hist of y.e House of Stewart (Vol 2.dDr Reid, Dr Williamson18 Mar 176715 Apr 1767ViewHume, David, 1711-1776.History of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688 ...Sp Coll Bl13-a.9-14View
W.m McLieshDivin (Divinity)N614Sherlocks Sermons Vol. 3.dDr Reid18 Mar 17676 Apr 1767ViewSherlock, William, 1641?-1707.Sermons preach'd upon several occasionsSp Coll RB 3455  View
Robt HunterDivin (Divinity)AE1124Hutchesons EthicsMr Anderson18 Mar 176727 Apr 1767ViewHutcheson, Francis, 1694-1746.System of moral philosophy, in three books ... To which is prefixed, some account of the life, writings, and character of the author by the Reverend William Leechman, D.D.Sp Coll Ea7-a.11-12View
Robt HunterDivin (Divinity)CO25Bacons Works Vol 1.stMr Anderson18 Mar 176727 Apr 1767ViewBacon, Francis, 1561-1626.Works of Francis Bacon ... With several additional pieces, never before printed in any edition of his works. To which is prefixed, a new life of the author, by Mr. Mallet.Sp Coll Ea8-x.10-13View
Tho.s BrownEthic (Ethics)AF711Epistles for Ladies Vol.s 1.2Dr Wight18 Mar 176724 Mar 1767ViewHaywood, Eliza Fowler, 1693?-1756.Epistles for the ladies.Sp Coll Bl3-g.12,13View
Rob.t EuingGreek (Greek)CL55Hist of the East & West IndiesMr Millar18 Mar 176724 Mar 1767ViewEden, Richard, 1521?-1576.History of trauayle in the West and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes ... With a discourse of the Northwest passage. Newly set in order, augmented and finished by Richarde WillesWilles, Richard.Sp Coll Bo3-i.5View
Will.m CameronLogic (Logic)AE1112Peregrine Pickle Vol.s 3.4dDr Stevenson18 Mar 176723 Apr 1767Smollett, T. (Tobias), 1721-1771.Adventures of Peregrine PickleView
Arch. ArthurDivin (Divinity)CD68Rhetorfortis Examen Armi:Mr Cumin18 Mar 176720 Apr 1767ViewRutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661.Examen Arminianism, conscriptum et discipulis dictatum. Recensitum et editum à Matthia Netheno ...Sp Coll Bm3-k.11  
Arch. ArthurDivin (Divinity)AT1117Les Mœures des FrancoisMr Cumin18 Mar 176720 Apr 1767ViewLe Gendre, Louis, Abbé.Les moeurs et coutumes des françois, dans les premiers tems de la monarchie. Précédés des Moeurs des anciens Germains, traduits du latin de C. Tacite, et d'une préface ...Sp Coll Bh2-i.19  
Arch. ArthurDivin (Divinity)AT1118Les Mœures des GrecsMr Cumin18 Mar 176715 May 1767ViewMenard, Léon.Les mœurs et les usages des GrecsSp Coll Bl10-k.20  

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