Eighteenth-Century Borrowing from the University of Glasgow

Register 6, page 50v

StudentClassPressShelfNumberLine EntryProfessor(s)Date LentDate ReturnedLibrary LinkAuthorTitleEditorShelfmarkESTC Link
Rob.t DuncanLogic (Logic)AE1119.20Herveys Meditations Vol.s 1.2.Mr Muirhead28 May 176724 Jun 1767ViewHervey, James, 1714-1758.Meditations and contemplations.Sp Coll Bl8-k.16-17View
Rob.t DuncanLogic (Logic)B104Xenoph: Memorabilia V. 4Mr Muirhead1 Jul 17675 Aug 1767ViewXenophon.Opera quae extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâa Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis. [Edidit Eduardus Wells] / [Xenophon].Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23View
James AndersonEthic (Ethics)BT524Rays TravelsMr Muirhead1 Jul 176712 Aug 1767ViewRay, John, 1627-1705.Collection of curious travels and voyages. To which are added, three catalogues of such trees, shrubs, and herbs as grow in the LevantSp Coll Bl2-i.7View
Wm McCallayLogic (Logic)AE118Roderic Random Vol.s 1.2.Mr Muirhead1 Jul 176715 Jul 1767ViewSmollett, T. (Tobias), 1721-1771.Adventures of Roderick Random ...Sp Coll 300-301View
Joseph HodgsonEthic (Ethics)AY51Grotius de le droit de la GuerreMr Clow1 Jul 176722 Jul 1767ViewGrotius, Hugo, 1583-1645.Le droit de la guerre, et de la paixBarbeyrac, Jean, 1674-1744.Sp Coll Bl14-b.4-5
John GilliesLaw (Law)CS34Cudworths Intellect: Syst:Principal1 Jul 176723 Sep 1767ViewCudworth, Ralph, 1617-1688.True intellectual system of the universe: the first part: wherein, all the reason and philosophy of Atheism is confuted; and its impossibility demonstratedSp Coll Bl8-d.9View
W.m BurnsideEthic (Ethics)AI47Livius Vol 1.stMr Clow1 Jul 17675 Aug 1767ViewLivy.Historium libri qui extant. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Joannes Dujatius ... in usum ... Delphini. Accessere librorum omnium deperditorum supplementa, per Jo. FreinshemiumSp Coll Bn5-e.8-13
Wm WilsonGreek (Greek)AE119Peregrine Pickle Vol.s 1.2. (3.4Mr Muirhead8 Jul 176712 Jul 1767Smollett, T. (Tobias), 1721-1771.Adventures of Peregrine PickleView
Hen: StevensonDivin (Divinity)AU54Universal History Vol 4. 3.dDr Stevenson8 Jul 176724 Sep 1767ViewUniversal History.Universal history, from the earliest account of time. Compiled from original authors; and illustrated with maps, cuts, notes, &c. with a general index to the whole.Sp Coll Bl10-f.22-24; Sp Coll Bl10-g.1-17View
Hen: StevensonDivin (Divinity)CC311Burnet on the XXXIX ArticlesDr Stevenson8 Jul 176723 Sep 1767ViewBurnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715.Exposition of the Thirty-nine articles of the Church of EnglandSp Coll Bk10-d.1View
Hen: StevensonDivin (Divinity)AK1114Moshemii Hist Compend:Dr Stevenson8 Jul 176723 Sep 1767ViewMosheim, Johann Lorenz, 1694?-1755.Institutionum historiae Christianae compendium.Sp Coll Bm1-l.27  
Rob:t DuncanLogic (Logic)CM51Ainsworths DictionaryMr Muirhead8 Jul 176723 Sep 1767ViewAinsworth, Robert, 1660-1743.Dictionary English-Latin and Latin-EnglishSp Coll Bk8-f.6View
Jas: FurlongEthic (Ethics)AE1124Hutchesons EthicsMr Muirhead15 Jul 17672 Sep 1767ViewHutcheson, Francis, 1694-1746.System of moral philosophy, in three books ... To which is prefixed, some account of the life, writings, and character of the author by the Reverend William Leechman, D.D.Sp Coll Ea7-a.11-12View
Jas. FurlongEthic (Ethics)AE913.14Female Spectator Vol.s 1.2.Mr Muirhead15 Jul 176712 Aug 1767ViewHaywood, Eliza Fowler, 1693?-1756.Female Spectator.Sp Coll Bh8-f.3-6View
Rob.t MillerLogic (Logic)CG52Baxters reformed PastorDr Traill15 Jul 176712 Aug 1767ViewBaxter, Andrew, 1686?-1750.Matho: or, the cosmotheoria puerilis, a dialogue. In which the first principles of philosophy and astronomy are accommodated to the capacity of young persons ... Hence the principles of natural religion are deduced. Translated, and enlarged by the author (London, 1740)Sp Coll Bl2-g.9,10View
John McLieshEthic (Ethics)AB417Hutchesons Moral Phil: Vol 2dDr Traill, Mr Muirhead15 Jul 176719 Aug 1767ViewHutcheson, Francis, 1694-1746.System of moral philosophy, in three books ... To which is prefixed, some account of the life, writings, and character of the author by the Reverend William Leechman, D.D.Sp Coll Ea7-a.11-12View
Co: DawsonDivin (Divinity)AF57Leland on the Christ: Reve. Vol 2.dMr Muirhead17 Jul 176724 Dec 1767ViewLeland, John, 1691-1766.Advantage and necessity of the Christian revelation, shewn from the state of religion in the antient heathen world... To which is prefixed, a preliminary discourse on natural and revealed religionSp Coll Bl8-e.3,4View
Co: DawsonDivin (Divinity)CF18Barrows works Vol 1.stMr Muirhead17 Jul 176720 Jan 1768ViewBarrow, Isaac, 1630-1677.Works of the learned Isaac Barrow, D.D. (Being all his English works.) ... Published by his Grace Dr. John Tillotson, late Archbishop of Canterbury.Sp Coll Bo10-a.4-5View
Co: DawsonDivin (Divinity)AB612Buxtorfs LexiconMr Muirhead17 Jul 176715 Sep 1767ViewBuxtorf, Johann, 1564-1629.Lexicon Hebraicum, Chaldaicum et Rabbinico-philosophicum.Sp Coll Bh10-k.29
Co: DawsonDivin (Divinity)K34Erskin's Practical Works V 1.stMr Muirhead17 Jul 176716 Sep 1767ViewErskine, Ralph, 1685-1752.Sermons and other practical works, of the late ... Mr. Ralph Erskine ... besides his poetical pieces. In two large folio volumes. To which is prefixed, a short account of the author's life and writings, with the contents ...Sp Coll Bh8-a.10-11View
Wm WilsonGreek (Greek)AE119Peregrine Pickle Vol.s 3.4Mr Muirhead22 Jul 176712 Aug 1767Smollett, T. (Tobias), 1721-1771.Adventures of Peregrine PickleView
S TouchetGreek (Greek)C211Mzerays His: de france T. 1.[blank]22 Jul 1767[?] Sept 1767ViewMezeray, François Eudes de, 1610-1683.Abregé chronologique de l'histoire de FranceSp Coll Bl7-e.9-12
William BuchananDivin (Divinity)CG41Witsii de R. canom fed: V. 1.stMr Muirhead22 Jul 176715 Dec 1767ViewWitsius, Herman, 1636-1708.De oeconomia foederum Dei cum hominibus libri quatuor / [Witsius].Sp Coll Bk4-f.12
Rob.t DuncanLogic (Logic)AL51Cicero de officiisMr Muirhead22 Jul 176719 Aug 1767ViewCicero, Marcus Tullius.M. Tullii Ciceronis Orationes ex recensione Ioannis Georgii Graevii cum ejusdem animadversionibus, et notis integris Francisci Hottomanni, Dionysii Lambini, Fulvii Ursini, Paulli Manutii ac selectis aliorum. Ut & Q. Asconio Pediano, & anonymo scholiaste ...Graevius, Joannes Georgius, 1632-1703.Sp Coll Bl5-i.5-10
Joseph HodgsonEthic (Ethics)CD521Jus Populi vindicatumDr Reid22 Jul 176712 Aug 1767ViewSteuart, James, Sir, 1635-1715.Jus populi vindicatum, or the peoples right, to defend themselves and their covenanted religion, vindicated ...; being a full reply to the first part of the Survey of Naphtaly &c.Sp Coll Bl6-l.26  
William StuartDivin (Divinity)AP54Mosses Sermons Vol 1.stDr Traill22 Jul 176730 Sep 1767ViewMoss, Robert, 1666-1729.Sermons and discourses on practical subjects... With a preface, giving some account of the author, by a learned handSp Coll Bl9-h.6-9View

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