Eighteenth-Century Borrowing from the University of Glasgow

Register 3, page 49v

StudentClassPressShelfNumberLine EntryProfessor(s)Date LentDate ReturnedLibrary LinkAuthorTitleEditorShelfmarkESTC Link
John JamiesonGreek (Greek)AR142Blome's descript: JamaicaDr Moor12 Feb 176513 Feb 1765ViewBlome, Richard, -1705.Description of the island of Jamaica; : with the other isles and territories in America, to which the English are related, viz. Barbadoes, St. Christophers, Nievis, or Mevis, Antego, St. Vincent, Dominica, Montserrat, Anguilla, Barbada, Bermudes, Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New-York, New England, New-Found-Land.Sp Coll Bm3-l.12  View
Wm TrailN. Philosophy (Natural Philosophy)AS67Thomsons SeasonsDr Trail12 Feb 176512 Mar 1765ViewThomson, James, 1700-1748.Works of Mr. Thomson.Sp Coll Bm1-g.12-13View
Wm TaylorLogic (Logic)AU41Monthly reviewDr Moor13 Feb 176521 Feb 1765ViewMonthly Review.Monthly Review (London).Library Research Annexe Store Pm4691View
W.m Mc.CormickNat. Philosophy (Natural Philosophy)A21Clarkes Homer Vol 1.stMr Anderson13 Feb 17655 Mar 1765ViewHomer.Ilias Graece et Latine. Annotationes ... scripsit atque edidit Samuel Clarke, S.T.P.Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1683.Sp Coll Bn8-e.7-8View
John WrightDivinity (Divinity)L815Davilas HistoryMr Muirhead13 Feb 176511 Mar 1765ViewDavilla, Arrigo Caterino, 1576-1631.Historia delle guerre civili di Francia: nella quali si contengono le operationi di quattro rè, Francesco II. Carlo IX. Henrico III. and Henrico IV. Con l'indice piu copioso delle cose notabili. Aggiuntevi, oltre alle memorie della vita dell'autore, e della sua casa, le annotationi di Giovanni Balduino nel margineSp Coll Bh4-e.9-10View
John JamiesonGreek. (Greek)AV31Lives of ye admiralsDr Moor13 Feb 176521 Feb 1765ViewCampbell, John, 1708-1775.Lives of the admirals and other eminent British seamen. Containing their personal histories, and a detail of all their public services ... [And Continuation ... containing a new and accurate naval history, written under the inspection of Dr. Berkenhout].Sp Coll Bm1-g.17-21View
Ja.s LowryM. Philosophy (Moral Philosophy)AI55Hedericus LexiconMr Anderson13 Feb 176526 Feb 1765ViewHederich, Benjamin, 1675-1748.Lexicon manuale Graecum ... in tres partes, videlicet hermeneuticam, analyticam, et syntheticam, divisum ... Recensitum et plurimum auctum à Sam. Patrick.Sp Coll Bn2-g.12  View
W IrvineMedicine (Medicine)P713Halleys tablesDr Trail13 Feb 17656 Mar 1765ViewHalley, Edmond, 1656-1742.Edmundi Halleii astronomi dum viveret regii tabulæ astronomicæ : accedunt de usu tabularum præcepta.Sp Coll Bk10-e.3  View
Colin CampbellGreek (Greek)Stat. Hall[blank][blank]Peter Wilkins Vol 1Dr Moor13 Feb 176515 Feb 1765ViewPaltoch, Robert.Life and adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish man: relating particularly, his shipwreck near the South Pole; his wonderful passage thro' a subterraneous cavern into a kind of new world; his there meeting with a gawry or flying woman ...By R.S. a passenger in the Hector.Sp Coll Bk1-k.15-16  vol. 1  View
Andrew GreerDivinity (Divinity)CF19Barrows Works 3d VolDr Trail, Dr Reid13 Feb 176527 Feb 1765ViewBarrow, Isaac, 1630-1677.Works of the learned Isaac Barrow, D.D. (Being all his English works.) ... Published by his Grace Dr. John Tillotson, late Archbishop of Canterbury.Sp Coll Bo10-a.4-5View
Cumb. CruikshankM. Philosophy (Moral Philosophy)AS68Thomsons Works Vol 2dDr Williamson13 Feb 17654 Mar 1765ViewThomson, James, 1700-1748.Works of Mr. Thomson.Sp Coll Bm1-g.12-13View
Wade RobertsonM. Philosophy (Moral Philosophy)Stat. Hall[blank][blank]Hutchesons ethicsDr Reid14 Feb 17651 Mar 1765ViewHutcheson, Francis, 1694-1746.System of moral philosophy, in three books ... To which is prefixed, some account of the life, writings, and character of the author by the Reverend William Leechman, D.D.Sp Coll Ea7-a.11-12View
Ja:s SteelLogic (Logic)B101Xenophons works Vol, 2Mr Clow14 Feb 17651 Mar 1765ViewXenophon.Opera quae extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâa Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis. [Edidit Eduardus Wells] / [Xenophon].Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23View
Samuel DeanDivinity (Divinity)AV[blank][blank]Universal History 3d VolMr Clow14 Feb 17651 Mar 1765ViewUniversal History.Universal history, from the earliest account of time. Compiled from original authors; and illustrated with maps, cuts, notes, &c. with a general index to the whole.Sp Coll Bl10-f.22-24; Sp Coll Bl10-g.1-17View
Alexr CampbellLaw (Law)P61Euclid GreekMr Moor14 Feb 17656 Mar 1765ViewEuclid.Euclidis elementorum libri priores sex, item undecimus et duodecimus, : ex versione Latina Federici Commandini; sublatis iis quibus olim libri hi a Theone, aliisve, vitiati sunt, et quibusdam Euclidis demonstrationibus restitutis, a Roberto Simson, M.D. In Academia Glasguensi Matheseos Professore..Commandino, Federico, 1509-1575.Sp Coll Bn8-d.4  View
Colin CampbellGreek (Greek)Stat. Hall[blank][blank]Peter Wilkins Vol: 2Mr Clow15 Feb 176526 Feb 1765ViewPaltoch, Robert.Life and adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish man: relating particularly, his shipwreck near the South Pole; his wonderful passage thro' a subterraneous cavern into a kind of new world; his there meeting with a gawry or flying woman ...By R.S. a passenger in the Hector.Sp Coll Bk1-k.15-16  vol. 2  View
Robert RobertsonGreek (Greek)Stat. Hall[blank][blank]Tom Jones Vol 2Dr Moor15 Feb 176520 Feb 1765ViewFielding, Henry, 1707-1754.History of Tom Jones, a foundlingSp Coll Bk1-k.1-6View

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