Eighteenth-Century Borrowing from the University of Glasgow

Register 2, page 49r

StudentClassPressShelfNumberLine EntryProfessor(s)Date LentDate ReturnedLibrary LinkAuthorTitleEditorShelfmarkESTC Link
James StevenNatural (Natural Philosophy)X45Herodoti OperaMr Smith9 Mar 17602 Apr 1760Herodotus.[Historia.]
Sam.l RiallLaw (Law)BQ44Vinii CommentariusDr Lindsay9 Mar 176018 Mar 1760ViewVinnius, Arnoldus, 1588-1657.In quatuor libros Institutionum imperialium commentarius academicus et forensis.Sp Coll Bn6-h.3  
James BeggsTheology (Theology)AQ54Lellands view vol 2dDr Leechman11 Mar 176014 Mar 1760ViewLeland, John, 1691-1766.View of the principal deistical writers that have appeared in England in the last and present century; with observations upon them, and some account of the answers that have been published against them. In several letters to a friend...Sp Coll Bl2-h.1-3View
John PinkertonGreek (Greek)CF35Robertson's LexiconMr Moor12 Mar 17601 Apr 1760ViewRobertson, William, -1686?.Lexicon novum Hebraeo-Latinum, ad modum lexici Schreveliani Graeci compositum, per modum indicis Hebraici primò à D. Robertsono conscriptum; sed jam latinitate donatum, atque textibus, continentibus voces irregulares, aliisque animadversionibus locupletatum; atque adauctum lexico Chaldaico-Biblico, a Johanne Leusden.Sp Coll T.C.L. 1961  
George McLieshTheologie (Theology)AP69.11.15Clarkes sermons vols 2 4 & 8Dr Leechman12 Mar 176024 Mar 1760ViewClarke, Samuel, 1675-1729.Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...Clarke, John, 1687-1734.Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10View
John MaitlandTheologie (Theology)AQ93.10Massilon's Sermons vols 3 & 10Dr Leechman14 Mar 176028 Mar 1760ViewMassillon, Jean Baptiste, 1663-1742.Oeuvres ...Sp Coll Bk9-l.16-28
John AbernethyTheologie (Theology)CF26Sermon's at Boyles lecture v 2dDr Leechman14 Mar 176028 Mar 1760ViewVarious.Defence of natural and revealed religion: being a collection of the sermons preached at the Lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle (from the year 1691 to the year 1732.) With the additions and amendments of the several authors, and general indexes.Sp Coll Bh2-c.5-7View
Ja:s McAuleyTheologie (Theology)AP68Clarke's sermons vol 1stMr Anderson17 Mar 17602 Apr 1760ViewClarke, Samuel, 1675-1729.Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...Clarke, John, 1687-1734.Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10View
N. FothringhamLatine (Latin)AR77Rollin's ant: hist: vol 3dMr Muirhead17 Mar 176024 Mar 1760ViewRollin, Charles, 1661-1741.Antient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians. Translated from the French.Sp Coll Bk9-h.1-12View
Charles WilsonTheology (Theology)AR46Matchiavels worksMr Buchanan18 Mar 176012 Apr 1760ViewMachiavelli, Niccolò, 1469-1527.Works of the famous Nicolas Machiavel ... Newly and faithfully translated into English.Sp Coll Bo2-b.14  View
Charles WilsonTheology (Theology)U614Lucans WorksMr Buchanan18 Mar 176022 Apr 1760ViewLucian, of Samosata.Louikianou Samosateōs Dialogoi. : Peri tou Enupniou etoi Bios Loukianou.Sp Coll Bh1-d.7
Charles WilsonTheology (Theology)CE52Hebrew PsalterMr Buchanan18 Mar 176022 Apr 1760ViewLeusden, Johannes, 1624-1699.Liber Psalmorum, editus a Johanne Leusden.Sp Coll Bh9-l.22  
Charles WilsonTheology (Theology)B23Burmans VirgilDr Leechman, Mr Buchanan, Dr Simson18 Mar 176022 Apr 1760ViewVirgil.Opera, cum integris et emendatioribus commentariis Servii, Philargyrii, Pierii. Accedunt ... aliorum ac praecipue Nicolai Heinsii notae nunc primum editae: quibus et suas in omne opus animadversiones, et variantes in Servium lectiones addidit Petrus Burmannus junior. Cum indicibus absolutissimis et figuris elegantissimis.Burman, Pieter, 1668-1741.Sp Coll Bn10-f.13-16

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