Eighteenth-Century Borrowing from the University of Glasgow

Register 2, page 5v

StudentClassPressShelfNumberLine EntryProfessor(s)Date LentDate ReturnedLibrary LinkAuthorTitleEditorShelfmarkESTC Link
John BelchTheology (Theology)CD28Owen on ye Hebrews vol. 1stMr Muirhead17 May 17571 July 1757ViewOwen, John, 1616-1683.Exercitations on the Epistle to the Hebrevvs· : Also concerning the Messiah. Wherein the promises concerning him to be a spiritual redeemer of mankind, are explained and vindicated.Sp Coll Bm9-d.6-9View
Robert BuchananThelogy [sic] (Theology)AP745A: Montanu's Hebrew Bible 2 volsMr Muirhead17 May 17579 Jun 1757ViewArias Montano, Benito, 1527-1598.Biblia Sacra Hebraice, Chaldaice, Græce, & Latine : Philippi II. Reg. Cathol. pietate, et stvdio ad Sacrosanctæ Ecclesiæ / vsvm Christoph. Plantinvs excvd. Antverpiæ..Sp Coll Bm6-a.1-5
(N/A)May 17.th 1757 / Inspected by J. MoorN/AN/AN/A
Alexr Wilson[blank] ([blank])BB64Neutonii Princip: Philos:Dr Simpson19 May 175722 Nov 1757ViewNewton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727.Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica.Sp Coll Bm9-g.1  View
Wm MillarLogick (Logic)AI55Hedericus LexiconMr Clow19 May 175710 Jun 1757ViewHederich, Benjamin, 1675-1748.Lexicon manuale Graecum ... in tres partes, videlicet hermeneuticam, analyticam, et syntheticam, divisum ... Recensitum et plurimum auctum à Sam. Patrick.Sp Coll Bn2-g.12  View
Thomas PollockLogick (Logic)AI35Virgilius in usum DelphiniMr Clow10 May 17572 Jun 1757ViewVirgil.P. Virgilii Maronis Opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolvs Rvævs... Ad usum Serenissimi Delphini.Sp Coll Bn8-g.15  
(N/A)Monday May 23d 1757 / Inspected, and judg that Harris' Voyages / on account of its very bad condition, ought / not for the future to be lent out to the younger / student [sic], without the Subscription of three Masters/ Ja. MoorN/AN/AN/AN/A
Robt AndrewsTheology (Theology)F45Eyuripudes Com Notis J: BarnesDr Leechman, Mr Moor, Mr Smith23 May 17579 Jun 1757ViewEuripides.Euripidou sōzomena apanta ... = Euripidis quae extant omnia: tragoediae nempe XX, praeter ultimam, omnes completae: item fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX tragoediarum; et epistolae V. Nunc primum & ipsae hùc adjectae: scholia demum doctorum virorum in septem priores tragoediae, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta & concinnata ab Arsenio Monembasiae archieoiscopo ... ; operâ & studio Josuae Barnes.Barnes, Joshua, 1654-1712.Sp Coll Bm10-d.10  View
Alexander GilliesLogick (Logic)B12Badae Opera Tom 3dusMr Smith25 May 17578 Jun 1757ViewBudé, Guillaume, 1468-1540.Omnia opera Gulielmi Budaei ... quaecunque ab ipso edita, et post decessum publica facta ...Sp Coll Bi2-d.8-9View
William DunlopGreek (Greek)CK47Sales AlkoranMr Moor, Mr Muirhead26 May 17578 Jun 1757ViewSale, George, 1697?-1736.Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed, translated, with notes, and a preliminary discourse, by George Sale, gent.Sp Coll Bn8-e.6  View
William McQuhaeTheology (Theology)G43Gronovii HerodotusMr Muirhead, Mr Anderson, Mr Hamilton27 May 17577 Jun 1757ViewHerodotus.Herodoti Halicarnassei Historiarum libri IX ... Gr. & Lat. cum interpretatione Laurentii Vallae ... etiam Graecismo per singulas fere paginas remollito industria Jacobi Gronovii ...Gronovius, Jacobus, 1645-1716.Sp Coll f476  

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