Eighteenth-Century Borrowing from the University of Glasgow

Register 6, page 43v

StudentClassPressShelfNumberLine EntryProfessor(s)Date LentDate ReturnedLibrary LinkAuthorTitleEditorShelfmarkESTC Link
Robt EuingGreek (Greek)AR1116History of New-EnglandMr Muirhead1 Apr 17678 Apr 1767ViewPrince, Thomas, 1687-1758.Chronological history of New-England in the form of annalsSp Coll Bm9-k.9
Allan BogleMath: (Mathematics)AF719Dutches of Marlbrough Con-(ductDr Williamson1 Apr 17676 Apr 1767ViewMarlborough, Sarah Jennings Churchill, Duchess of, 1660-1744.Account of the conduct of the Dowager Duchess of Marlborough, from her first coming to court, to the year 1710. In a letter from herself to my Lord. [Drawn up by Nathaniel Hooke].Sp Coll Bk1-h.1
Henry FooteEthic (Ethics)N419Curiosities NaturelleMr Muirhead1 Apr 17672 Apr 1767Scipion Dupleix.La curiosité naturelle.
John MuterGreek (Greek)AR43Life of Q. MaryDr Williamson1 Apr 17672 Apr 1767ViewBoisguilbert, P. Le Pesant de (Pierre Le Pesant), 1646-1714.Life of Mary Stewart, Queen of Scotland and FranceFreebairn, James, active 1725.Sp Coll Bm2-h.9View
Jas LapslieLogic (Logic)BV614Gulivers Travels Vol 1.stDr Williamson1 Apr 17672 Apr 1767ViewSwift, Jonathan, 1667-1745.Travels into several remote nations of the world: In four parts. / By Lemuel Gulliver, First a surgeon, and then a captain of several ships.Sp Coll Bk3-f.18-19View
Walter MonteathLogic (Logic)AE123Life of Peter Wilkins Vol.s 1.2Dr Williamson1 Apr 176718 Apr 1767ViewPaltoch, Robert.Life and adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish man: relating particularly, his shipwreck near the South Pole; his wonderful passage thro' a subterraneous cavern into a kind of new world; his there meeting with a gawry or flying woman ...By R.S. a passenger in the Hector.Sp Coll Bk1-k.15-16View
Don: McGilchristGreek (Greek)AE1113Betsy Thoughtless Vol.s 1.2.dMr Anderson1 Apr 176715 Apr 1767ViewHaywood, Eliza Fowler, 1693?-1756.History of Miss Betty [sic Betsy] ThoughtlessSp Coll Bk2-k.6-9View
John GrayLogic (Logic)AE117Rodrick Random Vol. 1.2.Mr Anderson1 Apr 176722 Apr 1767ViewSmollett, T. (Tobias), 1721-1771.Adventures of Roderick Random ...Sp Coll 300-301View
Lachlan mcLachlanLogic (Logic)CC25Abercromby's Wariors Vol 1.stMr Millar, Dr Williamson1 Apr 176717 Apr 1767ViewAbercromby, Patrick, 1656-1716?Martial atchievements of the Scots nation ...Sp Coll Bo2-h.19-21View
John GrayLogic (Logic)AE1115.16Betsy ThoughtlessMr Anderson1 Apr 17677 Apr 1767ViewHaywood, Eliza Fowler, 1693?-1756.History of Miss Betty [sic Betsy] ThoughtlessSp Coll Bk2-k.6-9View
Hugh MarshallGreek (Greek)Q78Hist. of Gustavus Adolphus V. 1.stDr Reid, Mr Anderson1 Apr 176727 Apr 1767ViewHarte, Walter, 1709-1774.History of the life of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, sirnamed the Great.Sp Coll Bl10-e.12,13View
Co: DawsonDivin (Divinity)CC22Edwards Theo: Refor: Vol. 2Dr Traill2 Apr 176727 Apr 1767ViewEdwards, John, 1637-1716.Theologia reformata; or, the body and substance of the Christian religion, comprised in distinct discourses or treatises upon the Apostles creed, the Lord's prayer, and the ten commandments.Sp Coll Bk9-d.6-7View
Co: DawsonDivin (Divinity)CC520Prideaux Connect.Dr Traill2 Apr 176716 Apr 1767ViewPrideaux, Humphrey, 1648-1724.Old and New Testament connected in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declension of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the time of Christ / [Prideaux].Sp Coll Bl3-g.1,2View
Co: DawsonDivin (Divinity)CF18Barrow's Works Vol 1.stDr Traill2 Apr 17677 July 1767ViewBarrow, Isaac, 1630-1677.Works of the learned Isaac Barrow, D.D. (Being all his English works.) ... Published by his Grace Dr. John Tillotson, late Archbishop of Canterbury.Sp Coll Bo10-a.4-5View
Co: DawsonDivin (Divinity)AB612Buxtorfs LexiconDr Traill2 Apr 176717 Jul 1767ViewBuxtorf, Johann, 1564-1629.Lexicon Hebraicum, Chaldaicum et Rabbinico-philosophicum.Sp Coll Bh10-k.29
John McLeranEthic (Ethics)AT79Edin.r Essays Vol 1.stDr Reid2 Apr 176717 Apr 1767ViewPhilosophical Society of Edinburgh.Medical essays and observations, published by a Society in Edinburgh.Sp Coll Bl10-k.9-14View
Thomas MooreLogic (Logic)CR14Xenophons WorksMr Clow, Mr Millar2 Apr 176710 Apr 1767ViewXenophon.Omnia quae extant opera interprete Lewenklajo, cum annotationibus ejusdem.Sp Coll Bk8-e.12  
William BoydEthic (Ethics)AE718Gentleman & Lady Instructed Vol 1.stDr Williamson2 Apr 176718 Apr 1767ViewAnon.Young gentleman and lady instructed in ... principles of politeness, prudence, and virtue ... Interspersed with ... observations and maxims ...Sp Coll Bh9-f.3-4View
Jas WitherspoonLogic (Logic)AR65.6Rapins Hist Vol.s 5.6.Mr Cumin2 Apr 176715 Apr 1767ViewRapin-Thoyras, Paul de, 1661-1725.History of England [as well ecclesiastical as civil].Sp Coll Bm2-g.1-18View
Robt TaitGreek (Greek)AR75Rollins History Vol 1.stMr Cumin2 Apr 17675 May 1767ViewRollin, Charles, 1661-1741.Antient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians. Translated from the French.Sp Coll Bk9-h.1-12View
Jas LapslieLogic (Logic)AU55Newton's TreatiseMr Cumin2 Apr 17676 Apr 1767ViewNewton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727.Treatise of the system of the world. Translated into English.Sp Coll Bk1-h.24  View
Henry FooteEthic (Ethics)AE719Gentleman & Lady Instructed Vol 2.dMr Cumin2 Apr 17678 Apr 1767ViewAnon.Young gentleman and lady instructed in ... principles of politeness, prudence, and virtue ... Interspersed with ... observations and maxims ...Sp Coll Bh9-f.3-4View
Stephen YoungN. P (Natural Philosophy)CE428Derhams Physico TheologyMr Clow2 Apr 176723 Apr 1767ViewDerham, William, 1657-1735.Physico-theology: : or, a demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from his works of creation. : Being the substance of sixteen sermons preached in St. Mary-le-Bow-Church, London; at the Honourable Mr. Boyle's lectures, in the years 1711 and 1712. : With large notes, and many curious observations / by W. Derham.Sp Coll RB 3331  View
Hugh MarshallGreek (Greek)AI94Wasse's SalustMr Cumin2 Apr 176721 Apr 1767ViewSallust, 86 B.C.-34 B.C.C. Crispi Sallustii quae extant; cum notis ... [variorum]. Accedunt Julius Exsuperantius, Porcius Latro; et fragmenta historicorum vett. cum notis A. Popmae. Recensuit, notas perpetuas, et indices adjecit Josephus Wasse. Praemittitur Sallustii vita, auctore Joanne ClericoWasse, Joseph, 1672-1738.Sp Coll Bn9-i.11View

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