Eighteenth-Century Borrowing from the University of Glasgow

Register 6, page 58r

StudentClassPressShelfNumberLine EntryProfessor(s)Date LentDate ReturnedLibrary LinkAuthorTitleEditorShelfmarkESTC Link
Rob.t HunterGreek (Greek)AE117Rodric RandomMr Muirhead11 Feb 176818 Feb 1768ViewSmollett, T. (Tobias), 1721-1771.Adventures of Roderick Random ...Sp Coll 300-301View
Rob.t ThomsonDivin (Divinity)AI47TractusMr Hamilton11 Feb 176813 Apr 1768ViewTacitus, Cornelius.Opera. Interpretatione perpetua et notis illustravit Julianus Pichon abbas ... in usum ... DelphiniSp Coll Bn5-g.13-16
Dav: ForresterPhysic (Physic)AO41Charles GrandisonMr Hamilton11 Feb 17687 Mar 1768ViewRichardson, Samuel, 1689-1761.History of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters published from the originals / by the editor of Pamela and Clarissa.Sp Coll 1047-1052View
Henry FootePhysic (Physic)AH57FingalMr Hamilton11 Feb 176816 Feb 1768ViewOssian.Fingal, an Ancient Epic Poem in Six BooksMacpherson, James, 1736-1796.Sp Coll Bi1-e.1  View
Ja.s McNairLogick (Logic)CC518History of turk's V 4tMr Hamilton11 Feb 176831 Mar 1768ViewJones, D. (David), active 1676-1720.Compleat history of the Turks, from their origin in the year 755 to the year 1718 ... Collected not only from the best European, but also from Oriental authors, never hitherto published in English.Sp Coll Bi2-h.1-4View
Willm BrodieDivin (Divinity)AE1015Hume's EssaysMr Hamilton11 Feb 176812 Feb 1768ViewHume, David, 1711-1776.Political discoursesSp Coll Bm1-i.17  View
J. FurlongPhysic (Physic)AU41Review V 1.st & 2.dMr Hamilton11 Feb 17682 Mar 1768ViewMonthly Review.Monthly Review (London).Library Research Annexe Store Pm4691View
R FindlayMinr (Minister)A1210Geo: Græci MinoresMr Hamilton11 Feb 176811 Apr 1768ViewDodwell, Henry, 1641-1711.Geographiae veteris scriptores Graeci minores / cum interpretatione Latina, dissertationibus [H. Dodwelli] ac annotationibus ; [edited by John Hudson].Sp Coll Bm4-g.10-13View
W. BairdGreek (Greek)AS99AnacreonMr Muirhead12 Feb 176819 Feb 1768ViewAnacreon.Works of Anacreon, translated into English verse; with notes explanatory and poetical. To which are added the odes, fragments, and epigrams of Sappho. With the original Greek plac'd opposite to the translationAddison, John, active 1735.Sp Coll Bm9-k.2  View
W. BairdGreek (Greek)AV18Universal History V 8tMr Muirhead12 Feb 176816 Feb 1768ViewUniversal History.Universal history, from the earliest account of time. Compiled from original authors; and illustrated with maps, cuts, notes, &c. with a general index to the whole.Sp Coll Bl10-f.22-24; Sp Coll Bl10-g.1-17View
Dav: ForresterPhysic (Physic)AE115Joseph AndrewsDr Williamson12 Feb 176823 Feb 1768ViewFielding, Henry, 1707-1754.History of the adventures of Joseph Andrews, and his friend Mr. Abraham Adams. Written in imitation of the manner of Cervantes ...Sp Coll Bk1-k.7-8View
John BriscoeLogick (Logic)BB94Materia MedicaMr Clow12 Feb 176812 Feb 1768[Unclear][Materia Medica.]
Rich: AllanGreek (Greek)AE127Tom Jones 2 VolsMr Muirhead12 Feb 176815 Feb 1768ViewFielding, Henry, 1707-1754.History of Tom Jones, a foundlingSp Coll Bk1-k.1-6View
James HallGreek (Greek)AV64British AntiquitiesMr Muirhead12 Feb 176822 Feb 1768ViewKames, Henry Home, Lord, 1696-1782.Essays upon several subjects concerning British antiquities ...; with an appendix, upon hereditary and indefensible rightSp Coll Bo2-m.14  View
Willm BrodieDivin (Divinity)AF814Preacher's assistantDr Trail12 Feb 176816 Feb 1768ViewLetsome, Sampson, 1703 or 4-approximately 1760.Index to the sermons, published since the Restoration : pointing out the texts in the order they lie in the Bible, shewing the occasion on which they were preached, and directing to the volume and page where they occurLibrary Research Annexe D11-h.29View
R. AuchinclossPhysic (Physic)AU63Cote's LecturesMr Anderson12 Feb 176815 Apr 1768ViewCotes, Roger, 1682-1716.Hydrostatical and pneumatical lectures ... published with notes by ... Robert Smith, LL.D.Smith, Robert, 1689-1768.Sp Coll Bk1-h.18  View
James StevenPreacher (Preacher)AQ910.13Sermons de Massillon Vol 10.13.Dr Trail12 Feb 17686 Apr 1768ViewMassillon, Jean Baptiste, 1663-1742.Oeuvres ...Sp Coll Bk9-l.16-28
R. AuchinclossPhysic (Physic)AS64Misselanies 3d VMr Anderson12 Feb 176811 Mar 1768ViewPope, Alexander, 1688-1744.Miscellanies in prose and verse.Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745.Sp Coll Bh10-h.11-13View
R. AuchinclossPhysic (Physic)AT73Shaw's physic 2 VolsMr Anderson12 Feb 176815 Apr 1768ViewShaw, Peter, 1694-1763.New practice of physic ... The whole formed on the mould of Dr. Sydenham's ...Sp Coll Bl1-g.5-6View
Robt MillerPhysic (Physic)AU55Newton's TreatiseMr Clow12 Feb 176825 Feb 1768ViewNewton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727.Treatise of the system of the world. Translated into English.Sp Coll Bk1-h.24  View
John McLoranPhysic (Physic)AT711Smith's HarmonicsMr Anderson15 Feb 176825 Feb 1768ViewSmith, Robert, 1689-1768.Harmonics or the philosophy of musical sounds.Sp Coll Bl9-g.11  View
Alex.r FisherLogick (Logic)AV42Un History V 2dMr Clow15 Feb 176827 Feb 1768ViewUniversal History.Universal history, from the earliest account of time. Compiled from original authors; and illustrated with maps, cuts, notes, &c. with a general index to the whole.Sp Coll Bl10-f.22-24; Sp Coll Bl10-g.1-17View
Joseph HodgsonPhysic (Physic)CR67Theatre of MortalityMr Anderson15 Feb 176817 Feb 1768ViewMonteith, Robert, active 1660-1713.Theater of mortality: or, a further collection of funeral-inscriptions over Scotland...Sp Coll Bm5-i.26View
Arch.d CampbellPhysic (Physic)AN73LinneausMr Anderson15 Feb 176825 Feb 1768ViewLinné, Carl von, 1707-1778.Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm, et proportionem omnium fructificationis partium.Sp Coll Bn1-k.2
Rob.t GrahamLogick (Logic)AM68EpictetusMr Clow15 Feb 176829 Feb 1768ViewSimplicius, of Cilicia.Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti, ex libris vveteribus emendatus. Cum versione Hieronymi Wolfii, et Cl. Salmasii animadversionibus, et notis quibus philosophia Stoica passim explicatur, et illustratur.Sp Coll Bn7-i.18  
Ja.s StewartPhysic (Physic)BA123Sinclair's HydrostaticsMr Anderson15 Feb 17682 Mar 1768ViewSinclair, George, -1696.Hydrostaticks ; or, The weight, force, and pressure of fluid bodies made evident by physical, and sensible experiments, together with some miscellany observations, the last whereof is a short history of coal, and of all the common and proper accidents thereof, a subject never treated of beforeSp Coll Bi8-h.25  View
Jno SnodgrassPreacher (Preacher)AR14Innes's EssaysDr Trail15 Feb 176819 Feb 1768ViewInnes, ThomasCritical essay on the ancient inhabitants of the northern parts of Britain, or Scotland. Containing an account of the Romans, of the Britains betwixt the walls, of the Caledonians or Picts, and particularly of the Scots. With an appendix of ancient M.S. pieces.Sp Coll 2418-2419View
Ja.s MorrisonLogic (Logic)AF88Temple's lettersMr Clow15 Feb 176822 Feb 1768ViewTemple, William, Sir, 1628-1699.Letters written by Sir W. Temple, Bart. and other ministers of state, both at home and abroad. Containing, an account of the most important transactions that pass'd in Christendom from 1665 to 1672 ... Published by Jonathan Swift ...Sp Coll Bl5-h.20-21View
Arch: AllanGreek (Greek)AE129Tom Jones 4 Vols.Mr Muirhead15 Feb 176818 Feb 1768ViewFielding, Henry, 1707-1754.History of Tom Jones, a foundlingSp Coll Bk1-k.1-6View
Alan McDonldGreek (Greek)AV31Life of Admirals 4 Vols.Mr Williamson15 Feb 17689 Mar 1768ViewCampbell, John, 1708-1775.Lives of the admirals and other eminent British seamen. Containing their personal histories, and a detail of all their public services ... [And Continuation ... containing a new and accurate naval history, written under the inspection of Dr. Berkenhout].Sp Coll Bm1-g.17-21View
Wm GilchristLogick (Logic)N419Curiosities NaturalMr Clow16 Feb 17689 Mar 1768Scipion Dupleix.La curiosité naturelle.
Neh. NisbettLogick (Logic)AR65Rap History of Engld V 4 & 5Mr Clow16 Feb 176816 Mar 1768ViewRapin-Thoyras, Paul de, 1661-1725.History of England [as well ecclesiastical as civil].Sp Coll Bm2-g.1-18View
Robt HunterGreek (Greek)AE99Pamphlets of the RebellionMr Muirhead16 Feb 176819 Feb 1768ViewHughes, Michael, active 1746.Plain narrative or journal of the late Rebellion, begun in 1745 ...Sp Coll Bk10-h.25  View
Will: WhyteAnatom (Anatomy)AI68Morgan's practiceMr Muirhead16 Feb 176824 Mar 1768ViewMorgan, Thomas, M. D.Mechanical practice of physick: in which the specifick method is examin'd and exploded; and the Bellinian hypothesis of animal secretion and muscular motion, considered and refuted. With some occasional remarks and scholia...Sp Coll Bl8-i.6View
Will. GilliesPhysic (Physic)A21Homer Iliad Clark'sMr Muirhead16 Feb 176828 Mar 1768ViewHomer.Ilias Graece et Latine. Annotationes ... scripsit atque edidit Samuel Clarke, S.T.P.Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1683.Sp Coll Bn8-e.7-8View
Alex.r FisherLogick (Logic)R818Plato's RepublickMr Muirhead16 Feb 17683 Mar 1768Plato.Republic of Plato; in ten books / translated from the Greek by H. Spens ; with a preliminary discourse concerning the philosophy of the ancients by the translator.View
John WrightDivin (Divinity)BX55EuclidMr Muirhead16 Feb 176814 Mar 1768Euclid.[Unclear]
John Gillies[blank] ([blank])AU812 &L'Origine des Scienes 6 Vol.sMr Muirhead16 Feb 176828 Mar 1768ViewGoguet, Antoine Yves, 1716-1758.De l'origine des lois, des arts, et des sciences; et de leurs progrès chez les anciens peuples.Sp Coll Bh1-k.12-17

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