Eighteenth-Century Borrowing from the University of Glasgow

Register 6, page 23r

StudentClassPressShelfNumberLine EntryProfessor(s)Date LentDate ReturnedLibrary LinkAuthorTitleEditorShelfmarkESTC Link
Sam.l HamiltonDivini (Divinity)AB417Hutchesons Moral Phi: Vol 2dDr Reid, Mr Cumin18 Nov 176626 Nov 1766ViewHutcheson, Francis, 1694-1746.System of moral philosophy, in three books ... To which is prefixed, some account of the life, writings, and character of the author by the Reverend William Leechman, D.D.Sp Coll Ea7-a.11-12View
Thos MooreLogic (Logic)N62Angels Short handMr Clow18 Nov 17662 Dec 1766ViewAngell, John, -1764.Stenography : or shorthand improved...Sp Coll Bl2-k.22  View
Joseph HodgsonEthic (Ethics)J72Humes Hist Vol 1stMr Clow, Dr Williamson, Dr Reid18 Nov 17661 Dec 1766ViewHume, David, 1711-1776.History of Great Britain, [1603-1689] ...Sp Coll Bh1-e.5-6View
Jacob StewartEthic (Ethics)AL51Cicero De officiisDr Reid18 Nov 17663 Dec 1766ViewCicero, Marcus Tullius.M. Tullii Ciceronis Orationes ex recensione Ioannis Georgii Graevii cum ejusdem animadversionibus, et notis integris Francisci Hottomanni, Dionysii Lambini, Fulvii Ursini, Paulli Manutii ac selectis aliorum. Ut & Q. Asconio Pediano, & anonymo scholiaste ...Graevius, Joannes Georgius, 1632-1703.Sp Coll Bl5-i.5-10
Robt ChristyDivin (Divinity)AU61Matho Vol 1.stDr Traill18 Nov 176626 Nov 1766ViewBaxter, Andrew, 1686?-1750.Matho: or, the cosmotheoria puerilis, a dialogue. In which the first principles of philosophy and astronomy are accommodated to the capacity of young persons ... Hence the principles of natural religion are deduced. Translated, and enlarged by the author (London, 1740)Sp Coll Bl2-g.9,10View
Rob.t CaldwellDivin: (Divinity)AB45Simsons EuclidDr Traill, Mr Anderson19 Nov 17663 Dec 1766ViewEuclid.Euclidis elementorum libri priores sex, item undecimus et duodecimus, : ex versione Latina Federici Commandini; sublatis iis quibus olim libri hi a Theone, aliisve, vitiati sunt, et quibusdam Euclidis demonstrationibus restitutis, a Roberto Simson, M.D. In Academia Glasguensi Matheseos Professore..Simson, Robert, 1687-1768.Sp Coll Bn8-d.4  View
William BoydEthic (Ethics)AE1011Amelia Vols 1 & 2dDr Williamson19 Nov 176625 Nov 1766ViewFielding, Henry, 1707-1754.Amelia.Sp Coll Bk1-k.9-12View
John WrightDivin: (Divinity)T428Erskines Law of ScotlandDr Traill19 Nov 176617 Dec 1766ViewErskine, John, 1695-1768.Principles of the law of Scotland: in the order of Sir George Mackenzie's Institutions of that law.Sp Coll 743  View
Allan BogleMathema (Mathematics)AR314Carletons MemoirsMr Muirhead19 Nov 176621 Nov 1766ViewCarleton, George, active 1728.Memoirs of an English officer, who serv'd in the Dutch war in 1672, to the peace of Utrecht, in 1713 ...Sp Coll Bl1-h.14  View
James JohnstonDivin (Divinity)CF17Greek TestamentDr Traill19 Nov 17661 Jan 1767ViewMill, John, 1645-1707.Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum lectionibus variantibus MSS exemplarium, versionum, editionum, SS. patrum et scriptorum ecclesiasticorum; et in easdem notis. Accedunt loca scripturae parallela, aliaque exegetica. Praemittitur dissertatio de libris N.T. et canonis constitutione, et s. textus N. Foederis ad nostra usque tempora historia.Sp Coll Bk9-c.1  
Dav: ForresterEthic (Ethics)AR97Hacks VoyagesDr Traill19 Nov 176621 Nov 1766ViewHacke, William, captain.Collection of original voyages.Sp Coll Bl3-i.4  View
John WrightDivin (Divinity)T4[blank]Form of ProcessDr Traill20 Nov 176617 Dec 1766ViewLouthian, John.Form of process before the Court of Justiciary in Scotland; in two books ... together with an appendix ...Sp Coll Bk10-g.15  View
John WrightDivin (Divinity)Q811Diodatis BibleDr Traill20 Nov 176617 Dec 1766ViewDiodati, Giovanni, 1576-1649.La Bibbia cioè, i libri del Vecchio, e del Nuovo Testamento. Nuouamente traslatati in lingua Italiana, da Giovanni Diodati.Sp Coll Bk5-e.14
John WrightDivin (Divinity)Q68Crawfords PerrageDr Traill20 Nov 176617 Dec 1766ViewCrawfurd, George, -1748.Peerage of Scotland : containing an historical and genealogical account of the nobility of that kingdomSp Coll Bh4-d.5View
Edward CornDivin (Divinity)CC312Pierce on the CreedDr Reid, Mr Clow20 Nov 176615 Dec 1766ViewPearson, John, 1613?-1686.Exposition of the Creed.Sp Coll Bh9-d.13View
Robert DuncanLogic (Logic)CE413Dunlops Greek GrammarMr Clow20 Nov 176616 Dec 1766Dunlop, Alexander, Professor of Greek.Linguae Graecae institutiones grammaticae ...View
William BuchananDivin (Divinity)AS41Gibbs short handMr Muirhead20 Nov 176618 Dec 1766ViewGibbs, Philip, active 1736.Historical account of compendious and swift writing. [With an Essay towards a farther improvement of shorthand]Sp Coll Bn2-i.7  View
William BuchananDivin (Divinity)BA11Newtons ChronologyMr Muirhead20 Nov 17661 Dec 1766ViewNewton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727.Chronology of ancient kingdoms amended. To which is prefix'd a short chronicle from the first memory of things in Europe, to the conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great.Sp Coll Bm8-f.13  View
Willm KinnairdDivin (Divinity)AF723Preceptor Vol 2.dMr Clow20 Nov 176610 Dec 1766ViewDodsley, Robert, 1703-1764.Preceptor : containing a general course of education. Wherein the first principles of polite learning are laid down in a way most suitable for trying the genius, and advancing the instruction of youth. In twelve parts, illustrated with mapss and useful cuts.Sp Coll Bk3-g.1-2View

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