Select a line entry to view all instances where that precise mode of recording appears in the registers.
- A Collection of Tragedies 1 records
- A Collection of Voyages 1 records
- a Compleat Body of Distilling 1 records
- a Description of Heraclea 1 records
- A Description of the Orcades 1 records
- A Dialogue on English Service 1 records
- a Discourse of free thinking 1 records
- a Discourse on y.e Union of Scot: & Eng 1 records
- A Hind let loose 1 records
- A journal to Sinai 1 records
- A Journey from Cairo to Sanai 1 records
- A journey to Paris 1 records
- A Manual of Devotions 1 records
- A Montanus Heb Bible 2 Vols 1 records
- A Montanus Heb: Bible 2 Vols 1 records
- A new Manual of Devotions 1 records
- A Philosophical Enquiry 2 records
- A Philosophical Inquiry 1 records
- A Poem on Death 2 records
- A Relation of a Journey 1 records
- A small Edition of Longenus 1 records
- A Small Horace 1 records
- A Treatise of Agriculture 1 records
- A View of N: philosophy 2 records
- A View of Sir Isaac N. Philo 1 records
- A Vol of Moshem 1 records
- A Vol. of Monthly Review 1 records
- A Vol.m of Moshem 1 records
- A Vol: of Moshem 1 records
- A Volume of Pamphlets 1 records
- a Voyage to Borneo 1 records
- A Voyage to S: America 1 records
- A: Montanu's Hebrew Bible 2 vols 1 records
- Abbé Fleury's Eccliast: hist: Vol. XIII 1 records
- Abbe Nollets Works 2 V 1 records
- Abercromb: Martial Atchiev: Vol 2d 1 records
- Abercrombies history 2 vols folio 1 records
- Abercromby martial atchievements ^Vol 1st 1 records
- Abercromby V 2 records
- Abercromby V 2d 1 records
- Abercromby Vol 2d 1 records
- Abercromby's History 1 records
- Abercromby's Martial Achiev: 1 records
- Abercromby's Martial Atchiev: 1 records
- Abercromby's Scot Lives V 1st 1 records
- Abercromby's Wariors Vol 1 records
- Abercrombys Mart. Atchievements Vol 1st 1 records
- Abercrombys Scotch Warriors 1 records
- Abercrombys Scots Warriors 1 records
- Abercrombys Mart. Atch: Vol 1st 1 records
- Abercromy's Stotts Warriers. 2 vol 1 records
- Abernethie's Sermons 1 records
- Abernethies Sermons 2 vols 1 records
- Abernethy 1 records
- Abernethy on Attributes 1 records
- Abernethy's Sermons 3 records
- Abernethy's Sermon's 1 records
- Abernethy's Sermons 7 records
- Abernethy's Sermons 2 vol 1 records
- Abernethy's Sermons 2V 1 records
- Abernethy's Sermons V 1 1 records
- Abernethy's sermons v 1st 1 records
- Abernethys Sermon's 1 records
- Abernethys Sermons 2 records
- Abernethys Sermons 9 records
- Abernethys Sermons Vol. 1 1 records
- Abrose's Works 1 records
- Academie De Science par 25 1 records
- Academy de Belles Letteres vols 7 & 2 1 records
- Account of Dane: & Sweden 1 records
- Acherleys Britanic Constitution. 1 records
- Acta Erudatorum 3 Vols 2 records
- Acta Petropolitana 2d vol 1 records
- Acta Upsalice 2 records
- Acta Upsalie 1 records
- Acts of Assembly Abridged 1 records
- Adam's Mycography 1 records
- Adams Micrography 1 records
- Addison's Anacreon 3 records
- Addison's His of the Jews 1 records
- Addisons Anacreon 13 records
- Addisons Anacrion 1 records
- Addisons Freeholder 1 records
- Adison's Annacrion 1 records
- Adisons Anacreon 1 records
- Adisons Anacreon V. 1. 1 records
- Adisons [sic] Anacreon 2 records
- Adventures of David Semple 1 records
- Adventures of Versorand 1 records
- Adventures of Versorand V. 1.2 1 records
- Adventures of Versorand Vol 2d 1 records
- Adventures of Versorand Vol.s 1. 2d 1 records
- Adventures of Versorand Vols 1st 1 records
- AEschylos 1 records
- Affairs of Scotland 1 records
- Agriculture Transact: 1 records
- Ainsworth Dictionary 3 records
- Ainsworth on y.e 5 Books of Moses 1 records
- Ainsworth's Dictionary 2 records
- Ainsworth's Dictionary latin 1 records
- Ainsworth's Dictionary 10 records
- Ainsworths Dictionary 1 records
- Ainsworths Dictionay 1 records
- Ainsworths Dictio 1 records
- Ainsworths Diction: 1 records
- Ainsworths Dictionary 14 records
- Ainworth's Dictionary 1 records
- Al koran 1 records
- Alberts Travels to E Indies 1 records
- Albini Tabul: Anatomi 1 records
- Albinus Tables 1 records
- Alcoran 1 records
- Alcoran Lat. 1 records
- Alethia Vol.s 2.d 1 records
- Alloas Voyages 2 Vols 1 records
- Ambrose Works 1 records
- Ambrosius 1 records
- Ameanus Marcelinus 1 records
- Amelia 1 records
- Amelia V 4 1 records
- Amelia Vol 1 records
- Amelia Vol 1st V 2d 1 records
- Amelia vol 1st 1 records
- Amelia Vol 2.d 2 records
- Amelia Vol 3.d 1 records
- Amelia vol 3d 2 records
- Amelia Vol 4 1 records
- Amelia Vol 4th 2 records
- Amelia Vol. 2d 1 records
- Amelia Vol.s 1.2. 1 records
- Amelia Vol.s 1.2.d 1 records
- Amelia Vol.s 1.2d 1 records
- Amelia Vol.s 3.4 5 records
- Amelia Vol.s 1 & 2 1 records
- Amelia Vol.s 1 & 2d 1 records
- Amelia Vol.s 3d & 4d 1 records
- Amelia Vol: 1st 1 records
- Amelia Vols 1.2.d 1 records
- Amelia Vols 1 & 2d 1 records
- Amelia Vols 3 & 4 1 records
- Amelia Vols 3.4 1 records
- Amelia Vols. 1. 2 1 records
- Amelia Vols: & 2d 1 records
- Amianus Marcelinus 1 records
- An account of Denmark. 1 records
- An Essay on Civil Government 1 records
- An Essay on Education 1 records
- An Essay on spirite 1 records
- An Essay on the Dispute &c &c 1 records
- An Exposition of the Creed by Pearson 1 records
- An: Un: History 2 Vol.s 1 records
- An: Un: History V 1 records
- An: Un: History V 1 records
- An: Un: History V 1st 1 records
- An: Un: History V 2d 1 records
- An: Un: History V 6 1 records
- An: Un: History vol 1 records
- An: Un: History. V 2d 1 records
- Anacreon 13 records
- Anacreon Addisons 1 records
- Anacreon G. & L. 1 records
- Anacreon Glasgow edition 1 records
- Anacreon Gr Lat. 1 records
- Anacreon translated into Eng: verse 1 records
- Anatationes one Vol 1 records
- Anatomy of Plants 1 records
- Ancient and present state of Muscovy 1 records
- Ancient Un: History V 2d 1 records
- Andersons Collection 1 records
- Andersons Diplom 1 records
- Andersons Diplom: 2 records
- Andersons Historical Essay 1 records
- Andrews Sermon's 1 records
- Andrews Sermons 1 records
- Angel's Short hand 9 records
- Angel's Short-Hand 2 records
- Angell's Short Hand 3 records
- Angell's Short-hand 1 records
- Angell.s Short hand 1 records
- Angells short hand 2 records
- Angels S Hand 1 records
- Angels Short hand 24 records
- Angels Short-Hand 1 records
- Annacreon 1 records
- Annales Politique 1 records
- Annotata V. Testamenti Tom 2 1 records
- Anson's Voyages 2 records
- Ant: Greek & lat comentata [?] 1 records
- Ant: Manner of Reading Hebrew 1 records
- Anti of Athens 1 V 1 records
- Antient & present state of Muscovy 1 records
- Antiqs of Constantinople 1 records
- Antiquitates Hebræorum 1 records
- Antiquities of Constantinople 3 records
- Antiquities of Contantinople 2 records
- Antiquities of Ireland 2 records
- Antoninus G et L Com Gatae 1 records
- Antonius Medi 1 records
- Antony Tuckney 1 records
- Appianus Alexandernus 1 records
- Appointed; that Whereas Robert / Buchanan, formerly Robert Leny, / student of Theology, has not complyed / with the Rules fo the Library, but re- / mains Debtor for the use of a good / Many books which he has got out / several times 1 records
- Archaelogia Britannica 2 records
- Archeologia Britanica 2 records
- Archimedes Works 1 records
- Architecture Hydraul. 1 records
- Ariani Epectitus 1 records
- Arians Epic: Vol 1 records
- Arians Epictetus V 1 records
- Arien Upton vo. 4th 1 records
- Arii Montan. Heb Bib 2d vol 1 records
- Aristophanes Kustori 2 records
- Aristophanes Vol 1 records
- Aristophene's Comedys 1 records
- Aristophenes fol: 1 records
- Aristotelis Ethica 2 records
- Aristotelis opera 2 records
- Aristotelis Opera vol 1st 1 records
- Aristotile's opera 1 records
- Aristotle de Mundo 2 records
- Aristotle's Ethic's 1 records
- Aristotles Ethics 2 records
- Arius Montanus H. Bible 2 Vols 1 records
- Arius Montanus Hb: Bible 2 vols 1 records
- Armstrong on health 1 records
- Arnii Monton: Hebr. Bib. 1 records
- Arnobires 1 records
- Arnoldi Lux in Tenebris 1 records
- Arrian Epictet: 2 vol 1 records
- Arrian's Epictet: 2 vol 1 records
- Arrian's Epictetus 1 records
- Arrian's Upton. Arianus Com 1 records
- Arriani Historia 1 records
- Ars Cogitandi 4 records
- Ars Cogitendi 1 records
- Art of Angling 12 records
- Art of Tormenting 3 records
- Astro Theology 1 records
- Atlas Geographica vol 1st 1 records
- Atlas Geographicus vol 1 1 records
- Atlas Geographicus vol 1st 1 records
- Atlas Geographicus vol 2d 1 records
- Atlas Geographis Vol 2 & 3 1 records
- Atlas Geographus 2 & 3d vol. 1 records
- Atlas Geographus vol 2 records
- Atlas Geography 1 records
- Atterbur'y Serm vol 2d 1 records
- Atterbury Sermon 2 vols 1 records
- Atterbury's Serm v. 1 1 records
- Atterbury's Sermons vol 2d 1 records
- Atterbury's sermons 2 vol: 1 records
- Atterbury's Sermons 2 Vols 1 records
- Atterbury's Sermons v 1st 1 records
- Atterbury's Sermons vols 2 1 records
- Atterburys Sermons 1 records
- Augustine's Works 2 Vol.s 1 records
- Aulay Macaulay's Polygraphy 1 records
- Avent de Bourdaloue 1 records
- Avison on Music 3 records
- Avison on Musick 2 records
- Avison on Musick. 1 records
- Ayly's His of Oxford 2 vols 1 records